Capital Fortunaa Investment


What is an AMC?

AMC stands for Actively Managed Certificate. Over the past few decades, there has been a significant surge in demand for AMCs among professional asset managers.

AMC Image

What is an AMC?
AMCs allow an asset manager to implement a strategy (on bankable or non-bankable assets) in a simple and straightforward procedure. The asset manager may decide to change the composition of the underlying during the term of the certificate with one order, instead of placing the trades at several banks (see picture).

How to Invest in an AMC

Buying an AMC is as easy as buying a stock or a bond. Investors can simply place the buy order with their custodian bank using the AMC’s unique ISIN code. The respective bank then trades with the Paying Agent (ISP) directly or uses a bridge partner if no direct trading line exists.


Welcome To AMCs